Awesome thing: Growing up

Dad told me once that the best revenge is to live better. 

I first learned this the hard way. An ex-boyfriend. Won't get into it. But you see, Dad is right. Live better. It's the best thing to do.

On that case I realized how the only person I should always full count on and trust is myself. You have to make peace with your own, and learn to control your thought and attitude the same way you can choose what to eat, what to drink and what to wear. After all, the only thing you can control is you. You can't control the world, or attempt to do so.

However, you always have your friends to seek guide from. In my personal case, those are my parents, my uncle and my best friends. It's good to have people who care about you to give you advice.

Also, everything will be easier when you start to accept everyone who crosses your path, for better or worse as a teacher. When great happens, celebrate. When bad happens, congratulations. You are still alive and there's nothing in the world you should celebrate more than that. You gain strength by looking into the past, seeing how you were able to put through and then you move forward. You will develop a thicker skin.
